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Vehicle Needed

Hello! I have a youth that was finally able to get her license today on her birthday. She has been working very hard to make a better life for herself and her young son. She is currently living in our supportive housing program here at Passageways and has made incredible strides to gaining self sufficiency. When she came to us, she was fleeing a Domestic Violence relationship and had multiple mental health concerns. Then shortly after she arrived she found out she was pregnant. Her pregnancy was a very difficult one with nausea, constant anxiety about the health of the baby and her depressive disorder, About half way through the pregnancy she decided she was not mentally capable of raising a child and decided to put him up for adoption. She was fortunate to find a couple that were wanting to adopt and agreed to an open adoption with her. Since he was born, she has been able to see him only a few times due to transportation issues and not having a drivers license. She studied daily for her written test and aced it. Now today, she was able to obtain her license and would like to be able to drive a car to see her son and get a job. She does not have much money saved as she has been unable to work, so we are hoping someone may have a vehicle they would be willing to donate.
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Back Rent to Prevent Eviction

UPDATE: STILL NEEDED - Family needs funding assistance to prevent eviction. They have paid May's rent and can continue to pay, but are having a difficult time covering overdue rent due to a tight budget. Any help is greatly needed as if they have to leave, owed rent will be a barrier to new housing.
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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN

