Viewing needs in: Holy Trinity United Methodist Church

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Rental Assistance

A total of $3,100 is needed. $2,000 is past due on her apartment rent; $1,100 is the current month's rent. Because of the past due amount, Cassandra expects to receive an eviction notice within the week.
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Financial Assistance

A young man came to our church asking for assistance with rent and his car payment. He has just begun working again and is in-between paychecks. He requested $672 for help with current and back rent (his rent was raised without his knowledge and he is in arrears for those additional amounts). The total need for his monthly rent and back payments was $972; he paid $300. He also asked for help with his car payment until he receives his next paycheck. He pays $172 every two weeks to CarHop. $344 would help him for the next month.
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Sharon Dougherty

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Pregnant mom and kids facing eviction

$1,100 to avoid eviction. A young divorced mom with two young children and another due next month is in arrears on rent and will receive an eviction notice on 4-16-22 unless she can pay the back due rent.
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Paula Green

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Deanna Hawkins

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Lynnette Dobberpuhl

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN

