We wanted to share some of the stories of the families we are giving stockings to this year:

“I have a mother 26 years old that has two children an 8 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. She has been suffering mental health issues, loss of a job and no income coming in. She is also being evicted on the 30  of November and does not know how to get her kids Christmas Presents on top of being homeless soon.”

“This single father has been living in a hotel with his 2 young children for 2 years. After fleeing an abusive relationship with his children, his credit was trashed when his EX stopped paying their rent and he owes over $8,000 in back rent – disqualifying him from being able to rent. He works very hard for his children but can’t catch up.”

“T&M are parents to 4 children. They have been living in a hotel for 3 years. Unfortunately they have fallen behind on rent, and are now facing eviction from the hotel. They have not been able to process Christmas this year due to the stress of being homeless and keeping their kids warm.”

“L’s estranged husband committed suicide 1 month ago, which has caused so many hardships on the family this season. She works full time, but after just paying for a funeral, any money saved up for Christmas has been depleted”

“A young father, who is newly sober and living in transitional housing with a 2 year old son, is trying to stay afloat and sober for his child. He needs help with some Christmas magic this year”

And so many more coming in. If you would like to be apart of Santa’s Stockings this year, or know of a family who could use one, please reach out to Rachael at rresidence@fishpartnernetwork.org

To donated to these stockings, please follow this link https://helpnow.fishpartnernetwork.org/need/santas-stocking/



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