There is a couple living in their van in Scott County tonight!. They relocated from a small town in Minnesota for the husband’s medical needs at St. Francis Hospital.  He has severely damaged legs, and issues related to heart failure. They no longer have a home, and they are living in their van. The cold nights are too much for the husband who has congestive heart failure.  The wife has applied for several jobs in Scott County and is hoping to secure work soon. Their financial resources are drying up very quickly.

Suggested avenues of support:

Main issue is housing, temporary or otherwise.

Food card: $200, and / or dry good food supplies

Gas card: $100

Car repair: $500

If you have questions or ideas on housing please contact Bethany Tjornhom at:

If you would like to donate please us the link below.

Homeless, seeking rent, seeking work, seeking food

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN

