Here is a need that came in this weekend :

What Created the need:
I have a housing client who is a young mother who is working diligently to regain custody of her daughter’s primary barrier is transportation. She has a vehicle that needs diagnostics and repair so she can make all required CPS appointments, secure employment and obtain her GED. The stipulation has been given that if she can make all required appointments through the next court appearance, rather than loose custody they will request a continuance so she can continue to meet requirements and her daughter can return to her home. We are seeking to help by finding help with the cost of the diagnostic to begin with and potentially later the repairs. Seeking $300 initially. The next court date is in June 2023, we want her to have been able to make it to every appointment required of her and to be able to eventually provide by securing suitable employment.

To help with this need click here:



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Shakopee, MN

