Thank you so much to everyone who took time to help make Santa’s Stockings successful this year. We received some of the most heartfelt stockings, and items for stockings this year, and we were able to create some magic for those who may be feeling a little hopeless. We wanted to share a couple heartfelt moments on Christmas Eve. The first story was we were corresponding with a mom of 4 living in a hotel about drop off and location and she asked if I could drop off before 12 that day since she was checking out.  I said yes, and asked if there was a different hotel she would be going to that I could bring to instead? She then replied that she couldn’t afford the room that night putting her and her children out on Christmas Eve. She was unsure of when her voucher would be approved for them to stay there again, but was hoping it would be within the week. When I arrived at the hotel to drop off the stockings and gifts, I asked the front desk worker where I could leave them, and he said they had just begun the check out process so by the front door would be fine. I asked him to cancel the check out and was able to purchase them 4 more nights in the room they were already in. The women was in tears when she heard they wouldn’t be outside sleeping on Christmas Eve. Her children ranged in ages 2-15. This family received stockings, gifts, gift cards for food near by, and 4 more nights in a warm bed. Again, thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. The second story was a single father living in a hotel who was corresponding with me about drop off, and originally said he only needed stockings since he had gifts covered. On the day before Christmas Eve, when they went to get gifts from the place they thought would have extra for them, they learned the place ran out of stuff early, and shut down for the season. The father was concerned about giving his kids a good Christmas since they have been through so much already. So, on Christmas Eve morning I was able to go out and pick up gifts for his family, along with a movie gift card, and a couple gift cards for local delivery places. These stories here show FISH’s transparency when we say real needs right now. Truly, when we see a real need, no matter the day or time we try and meet it as soon as possible. We hope you all had a blessed holiday season and we look forward to working with you in this new year.

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Shakopee, MN

