Happy Friday FISH family! We wanted to highlight a need that just came in for a sweet 2 month old:

I am working with a relative who has assumed emergency responsibility of a baby who just turned 2 months old. This family member initially could not have the baby as placement, but continuously made herself available as the option when others could not be there. She has now stepped up and offered to be the current placement for the foreseeable future for this little girl due to safety concerns with her parents. This foster mom has allowed the parents visits in her home, has transported the baby to other relatives for visits that are in different parts of the state, and has been there for her since she was born and before this became an official foster care placement.

She has had to take time away from her job to support the baby and has no children herself, so she does not have supplies. I am looking for gift cards for fuel, Walmart/Target, etc., to help with getting supplies for the baby and to help pay this foster mom back for all the travel, time and sacrifice she has already made for this arrangement. Anything is greatly appreciated!

To help with this need, follow this link: https://helpnow.fishpartnernetwork.org/need/foster-parent-with-new-baby-in-need/

We hope you will be able to join us August 17th for this important meeting regarding adolescent mental health.  We are very excited to be partnering with School District 191, who will be the main presenter.  At this meeting we will learn more about the challeneges our youth face on a daily basis and how we can be more effective in helping them.  To RSVP, please use the link below:


August Flyer 2023

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN


