We had these car related needs come through this week: “Iris has a 2016 Chevy Cruz that needs a new bearing assembly. Dan at Christian Brothers Auto, examined her car to determine critical/safety needs.He can repair this for $551. She travels weekdays to child care and to work and back again. She has a 5 year old girl and a 10 year old boy. She wants to be sure they are safe in the car. Her income is low and she cannot afford this repair. Any donations to help off-set the cost will be greatly appreciated. Iris is working hard to make ends meet each month. She has not created a big enough savings account to help with emergencies such as this. However, this experience is reinforcing the need for emergency funds. She has no reliable family members to count on for extra money.” To help Iris with this need, click here: https://helpnow.fishpartnernetwork.org/need/hardworking-single-mom-needs-car-repair-support/

The second need: “I have a client who is a single mother without income. She is trying so hard to get back on her feet and of course just as things were looking up, her car, which she uses for medical appointments, the Childs appointments etc., had the battery fail. My client is in the process of finding new employment and desperately needs this new battery. Thank you for your time and consideration in advance!” To help with this need, click here: https://helpnow.fishpartnernetwork.org/need/single-mother-needs-a-new-car-battery/

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN


