St. John Lutheran church is an ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) congregation located in the heart of Belle Plaine, Minnesota. St. John worship services have an average attendance of 300 people during our two Sunday morning services. The congregation provides Sunday School for children from 3 years old up to 4th grade and educational opportunities on Wednesday nights for 5th – 8th graders.
The Mission Statement of St. John is “A Growing Community in Christ – Loving God and Loving Others.” Today, Senior Pastor Mark Johnson with a fine staff and a host of many volunteers working in a variety of ways, the community of St. John is continuing to grow in its Mission Statement – not only growing in a quantity of new members, but also in the quality of being a warm and friendly congregation where individuals and families are encouraged to become involved and share their interests and talents in making new friends and in furthering the congregation’s mission and ministry.