What created the need: A single parent mother with a 4 year-old son and 14 year-

What is needed: Money for the first month?s rent and remainder of the damage deposit.
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Submitted by:
Jeanne Kubes - jeanne@fishpartnernetwork.org

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What caused this need?

What created the need:A single parent mother with a 4 year-old son and 14 year-old daughter is currently homeless as they have fled domestic violence. The mother recently started a full-time job near her potential apartment. A local agency has guaranteed payment of $825 for her damage deposit. The $900 needed would cover the remaining $75 of her damage deposit and $825 would pay her first month of rent. She and her family have been approved by the landlord to move into a 2 bedroom apartment on October 1st provided the remaining $900 has been paid. The family had difficulty finding an affordable apartment near her workplace. They may lose the apartment if the money is not paid soon.

Who is Fish Partner Network?

FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.

Learn More at our Website: https://www.fishpartnernetwork.org/

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Shakopee, MN




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