This would make her car road safe and no additional repairs would be necessary!

UPDATE ON REQUEST...about a month ago I asked for help getting some car repairs done. Since that time, ARC has done a FREE estimate to determine exactly what is wrong with the car and how much it would cost to repair. She needs work done on her brakes in order for her to be safe on the road. The total cost of parts and labor is $350.
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Submitted by:
Kay DeKruif -

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This would make her car road safe and no additional repairs would be necessary! She lives in New Prague and relies needs her car to do all her errands and Dr. appointments. She has lost of alot of independence due to her physical decline but driving is still something she can do that makes her feel independent and hopeful. Please help in any way you can towards these car repairs!! Thanks!! This client lives on a fixed social security income and has an older car that needs brakes BAD! She can't afford to pay to get them fixed but needs her car for almost everything because she lives in New Prague and a person can't get around out that far without a car. She has some mobility issues which also make walking almost impossible!

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN



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