This is an immediate need to keep a family off the street. This is a committed f

An immediate need for $1800 for first month rent - JUNE - for family of Mom & Dad & 4 children - ages 6, 5, 2, Newborn, who had the sky fall suddenly on a number of fronts all at once. They have the deposit, but can find no assistance for JUNE Rent.
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Submitted by:
MaryPat Potts -

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What caused this need?

This is an immediate need to keep a family off the street. This is a committed family, with 4 very young children, who had everything in their life under control until their last pregnancy became life-threatening to the mom. She had to leave work without pay to address this crisis, then had a c-section, blood transfusion & hysterectomy. At that time they found out their landlord was selling the house they rented, & they had to be out by May 31. The Husband is working & can cover the deposit. The mom is recovered enough to go back to work at Mystic Lake in June. From that point on they will be able to cover the rent themselves, with both incomes, as they did before. They have nowhere else to turn.

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN



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