This is a single mother, employed, with three small children trying very hard to
UPDATE 10/26 A FISH Member was able to find new parts for $150 and have them installed for free!! We just need $150 to cover the cost of parts, anything will help. Client needs car by Nov 02 to keep her job, employer has been accommodating and friends have helped with transportation but her time frame is shrinking$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Keith Chellsen - scashakopee@gmail.com
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What caused this need?
This is a single mother, employed, with three small children trying very hard to keep from going under. The vehicle is in good running condition except for the front springs/struts which make it inoperable. Without transportation the ability to get her children to daycare and school and herself to work have left her in a desperate situation financially. If she can continue to work and not stress about losing her job she is able to maintain the rest of her financial obligations. She has about $100 which could be used toward the repair but that is all she has now from missing work. Without a vehicle her rent, food and utilities are in jeopardy
Who is Fish Partner Network?
FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.Learn More at our Website: https://www.fishpartnernetwork.org/