There is a national program called Smiles make a difference that will give child
We have a student who is currently homeless and desperately needs braces. Her speech is impacted because of her two front teeth and she struggles with teasing and self esteem as a result. Her parents are unable to afford braces.$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Jeanne Kubes -
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What caused this need?
There is a national program called Smiles make a difference that will give children braces for a one time fee of $600 and a $30 processing paper work fee. This program has MN partners, that once this student is through the registration, will service her needs throughout the duration.
Who is Fish Partner Network?
FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.Learn More at our Website: