The cost of the initial extermination and the 5 on going treatments comes to a t
An elderly, medically fragile couple are in need of extermination services in their home due to a flea infestation. Both people have complicated medical issues that require them to have numerous in-home providers. One treatment team has already discontinued in-home services because of the fleas and the other provider is threatening to do the same thing if the fleas are not treated very soon!$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Kay DeKruif -
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What caused this need?
The cost of the initial extermination and the 5 on going treatments comes to a total of $400. I am asking for financial assistance to pay for these services. This family lives on a fixed income and not able to pay for this servcie.If these services are not provided soon a very vulnerable couple will be losing all their in-home providers which they have been working with and have been keeping them medically stable in their home.
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