The car accident and the male support of the family has died.
There is an extremely successful senior in High School, who commutes to Chaska from New Prague everyday. She has found the love and support she needs at this High School. A couple of weeks ago, she was in a car accident that totaled out her car. She was hoping her mother's long time live in boyfriend could help her. This boyfriend has been a father figure to her since she was four years old. Her mom works as a CNA, but doesn't make much money. Last week, her mother's boyfriend died tragically and has left the family in desperate need of money. There is no money to buy this student a different car. She has aspirations of going on to college and becoming an elementary education teacher. I am hoping there could be some help for her from this wonderful organization.$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Beth M Olson -
See Similar Needs:
What caused this need?
The car accident and the male support of the family has died.
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