Single Mom lost her job about 5 months ago. Has 2 kids, 5 & 10. Will be evicted
UPDATE: Received a total of $1,050 to avoid eviction - thank you! Still needs $2,400 to pay back rent. The Good News, that leads to her eventually being self-sustaining is as follows:? ON Oct. 31st She will be starting a new job that pays better than the job she had. ? Starting Dec. her mother will move in, & can add some social security income to the mix, to help make it sustainable, & give them the ability to pay back any outstanding back-rent. So at this point we need to make the total amount $4350, with the URGENT minimum being $1050 to keep from eviction.$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
MaryPat Potts -
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What caused this need?
Single Mom lost her job about 5 months ago. Has 2 kids, 5 & 10. Will be evicted if cannot pay at least one of the 2 months' rents she is behind. Has been working with Scott County, but no money available. has been looking for work since then. Has resume out with multiple agencies, including Scott County Work Force, & has interviews lined up.Works in the Mortgage industry - Relocation Titles & Closings , so definite potential to cover expenses once finds a job. Entertaining any kind of work.
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FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.Learn More at our Website: