Recently she was given 60 days to vacate her rented townhouse as the landlord is
I am working with a women who is married and has 6 and 8 year old children. Her husband is disabled and she works two jobs while going to school to become a nurse. Recently she was given 60 days to vacate her rented townhouse as the landlord is retiring and selling his property. As she was on a month to month lease this is fair, however, it puts her in a financial bind. She is still liable for rent at her old townhouse through February and she has found a place she can afford but she needs to take possession on February 1 so she will be paying a deposit and two rents in the month of February. This will be a $3400 payment when she is used to $1200 which is her current and future rent. She has some additional funds and her current landlord seems willing to work with her however she needs at least $1000 in help and if she could get $1600 it would take care of all her needs.$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Jeanne Kubes -
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What caused this need?
Recently she was given 60 days to vacate her rented townhouse as the landlord is retiring and selling his property.
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