My client is disabled, unable to work and on very limited income as a result. Y

Donation of $230 to remove vehicle from impound lot.
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Submitted by:
Katie Pierson -

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What caused this need?

My client is disabled, unable to work and on very limited income as a result. Yesterday, while driving her vehicle, different noises and lights came up, and she finally pulled over for her safety and shut off the car. Upon trying to restart the vehicle, it would not restart after many attempts. With no cell phone and no other method to contact anyone, she had to walk home. She made it home, and called a friend to try jumping the battery, but by the time she made it back to her vehicle, it had already been towed. She has since learned it will cost $230 to take the vehicle out of the impound lot. The lot has been very gracious, they have restarted her battery and confirmed her vehicle does work now, and so she could drive it out when able. She does not, however, have $230 to pay to remove it. On top of being disabled and unable to work, her mom passed away a year and a half ago, leaving her as the only person paying for their household and any accrued debts. The impound lot has agreed to not add any additional daily costs to the removal fee, as long as she can have it paid for by next week Wednesday, 3/16/16. It is very important that she find a way to pay for this, otherwise the fees will continue to accrue, while she continues to have no method to pay for it.

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FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN



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