Multiple car repairs! The current transmission breakdown has been devastating as
UPDATE: Can anyone help with the remaining cost of $340 for this repair?$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Noreen Kleinfehn-Wald -
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What caused this need?
Multiple car repairs! The current transmission breakdown has been devastating as the owner used all savings and retirement funds to purchase this vehicle. The car purchase was less than one year ago, and the owner has needed to replace an alternator and wheelbearing prior to this transmission repair. The car dealership is contributing $1000 towards the repair, and the owner has worked earnestly to obtain a low cost quality repair. He has exhausted all sources of assistance from the CAP agency, and Salvation Army. A community volunteer, who is knowledgeable about car repairs, has assisted him to be sure he is not being taken advantage of. He works full-time at an entry level job, is the sole caregiver for a pre-teen daughter, and relies on friends to provide transportation. There is no other family to assist.
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