Mom dropped everything she had last year and moved to Florida to be with and pro

Seeking efficient, reliable car for working mom.

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Sakinah Mujahid -

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What caused this need?

Mom dropped everything she had last year and moved to Florida to be with and provide care for her terminally ill mother. In April her mother passed and mom returned to the Twin Cities. By that time she had no housing and only a little savings left. Mother and her five-year-old daughter moved into shelter with Families Moving Forward in June. While in Families Moving Forward, mom has applied for work and was recently hired. But she doesn't have a car so it is hard to make the rounds between her daughter's preschool, her job, visits to potential apartments, and the shelter. She was not able to maintain this employment so she is back to job searching. Mom is able to pay $200 out of her savings for a vehicle. She'd prefer something that gets good gas mileage to keep her expenses down. If you know of someone who may be willing to cut a deal for Janice on an older but reliable vehicle, please contact Sakinah Mujahid, Families Moving Forward, at 952-230-2930. With a steady income and a car, mother and her daughter will soon be able to move into a home of her own.

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Shakopee, MN



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