I work with clients with severe and persistent mental illness. The client that
Update: Smaller bills have been paid by FISH affiliates! Thank you for your generosity! The insurance premium of $212.95 is still needed. I have a client who lives with both physical and mental health challenges. She is a good budgeter and has never been behind before. She has lived in her apartment for more than 10 years and is well regarded there and has a good record of paying her rent. Due to the medical problems listed below, my client is behind on the following bills: Comcast: $40.13; Century Link for her phone: $10.98 Shakopee Public Utilities $39.29 American Family Insurance $212.95$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Jeanne Kubes - jeanne@fishpartnernetwork.org
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What caused this need?
I work with clients with severe and persistent mental illness. The client that I am making a request for lives in Shakopee. She is very reliable in keeping up with her monthly expenses but a fall on April 18 led to the dislocation of her shoulder and the fractureing of 4 bones. After weeks of PT they have discovered that she needs surgery. Since her fall, she was put on a medication that was not covered by her insurance so she had to pay $20 per week for it for the past 12 weeks. She is on SSDI and receives $745 per month so this extra cost was hard on her budget. At the same time, her car needed repairs which cost $465. She has paid $100 of that so far. As a result of these extra expenses she has gotten behind on her bills. She normally pays everything on time so this has been depressing for her to have gotten behind. With her limited income it will be hard for her to catch up again. She will continue to pay $100 toward her car payment for the next few months until the $465 is paid in full. I have worked with this client for 5 years. She has never gotten behind on her bills during this time and is quite proud of the fact that she is a good money manager. She would really be grateful for help with these bills. If she gets out from under the 303.35 she will be able to continue to pay toward her car bill. She has arranged with the repair people that she pay per month until it is paid in full.
Who is Fish Partner Network?
FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.Learn More at our Website: https://www.fishpartnernetwork.org/