I am working with a single mother who recently lost both her job and her housing
UPDATE: Client is still in need of $19.36 towards the total of her 49.36 she owes for her storage unit.$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Jeanne Kubes - jeanne@fishpartnernetwork.org
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What caused this need?
I am working with a single mother who recently lost both her job and her housing. She found a place to stay with a friend but does not have a place to store her furniture and does not want to get rid of it all. She currently is working on her mental health and is seeking employment through the workforce center so she can get a place for her and her 3 year old daughter. She currently does not have any cash to pay for the first months move in costs but will be able to in the months to come.
Who is Fish Partner Network?
FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.Learn More at our Website: https://www.fishpartnernetwork.org/