I am working with a single mom of two children. She has always had employment,
UPDATE: RECEIVED CAT FOOD - THANK YOU! STILL NEED OTHER ITEMS. Family is in need of renter's insurance payment for $55 Electricity bill of $90 Pediasure powder Personal hygiene products Cat food.$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Nikki Hallberg - Nhallberg@co.scott.mn.us
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What caused this need?
I am working with a single mom of two children. She has always had employment, however recently hurt her back and will be off of work for 12 weeks. The father of her youngest child, recently quit his job and informed her that she will not be receiving child support this month and it will resume when he gets another job. Mom is able to pay some of her bills but falling short on a couple bills and items. Her renter's insurance is due and this payment is for three months at a time. She is worried that if she falls behind a month on electricity, she will not be able to pay two months next month to catch up. Additionally, her youngest son is underweight and on pediasure. He has recently gained weight while on this but it is expensive and not covered by insurance. Personal hygiene products and cat food would be helpful as these are the items she will have to cut out of her budget to pay rent. Any help is appreciated.
Who is Fish Partner Network?
FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.Learn More at our Website: https://www.fishpartnernetwork.org/