Greyhound Bus Ticket

Client is from Salt Lake City, Utah and ended up in Minnesota. After a period of time incarcerated, she has been participating in Chemical Dependency treatment that will be completed in a few weeks. Her goal is to return to Salt Lake City, Utah to be closer to her children and grandchildren. She has been working very hard in treatment and feels like she is ready to start applying the skills she learned. Her life, and family is based out of Utah; she has only been in MN briefly and has no other connections here.

0 Days Left

Submitted by:
Jen Peterson -

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What caused this need?

She will have completed treatment and ready leave MN on Monday February 10th. She is in need of a Greyhound Bus Ticket from St. Paul, MN to Salt Lake City, UT. The ticket price is $200.01 and there is a $3.99 service fee for a grand total of $204.00.

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN



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