$$ for car repairs
1/16/2024 UPDATE: Car repairs are still needed- she is focusing on saving up money, but living paycheck to paycheck has made it very hard. 12/26/2023 UPDATE: She received her quote from the mechanic on Friday she will be needing a replacement of her wheel bearing and has a transmission leak. the wheel bearing is her priority it will cost $862.97. To fix the transmission leak she was quoted $1,332.49. Anything will help get this family back on the road. Thank you so much! I am working with an individual who has been having car troubles all year long. She ended up having to junk her last car- the repairs were far more than what it was worth. She has acquired a new to her but used run-down car that also needs some maintenance. Christian Brother Automotives said it would cost $100 for the diagnostic before they can determine what is wrong. Once they determine the issue we will have a better understanding of the cost of the repair. She is living paycheck to paycheck and is feeling drained from all the car repairs. Anything helps. Thank you!$0.00 of $2195.46
Submitted by:
Bailey Shanley - Bailey.Shanley@shakopeedakota.org
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