disabled senior needs car repair for on-going white blood cell disorder
A senior on Social Security Disability has a car that needs an axel repair. She says $600.00 should fix it including parts and labor. She drove over a pot hole three years ago which caused the damage. She has undergone 3 bone marrow biopsies which are very painful. She suffers from a condition called, Neutropenia, which she has had since childhood. She is on several programs to retain her meager income of Supplemental Security Income, Minnesota Supplemental Income and her extra food allotment since she has a condition that her doctor says needs special food. She lives in senior low-income housing, receives SNAP (food stamps) gets the CAP Agency's Energy Assistance, knows about and gets food shelf, and is on both Medicare and Medicaid (known as Medical Assistance in Minnesota.) She sees a doctor regularly for her condition and also has GERD (acid reflux) which is why she needs to eat foods that are low acid or do not cause her body to generate acid. She would be grateful for any help that anyone could donate to this very worthy cause. She will be 65 in December. Thanks so much for your condideration.$0.00 of $600.00
Submitted by:
Terry Hassan - thassan@capagency.org
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