Damage Deposit needed for growing family

Damage deposit needed in order to secure larger housing for a kinship provider so that she can successfully house a current Scott County foster youth.

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Submitted by:
Rachel Ellison - rellison@co.scott.mn.us

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What caused this need?

A current Scott County foster youth is hoping to move in with her half-brother's family, who earlier this year agreed to adopt/take legal custody of this youth. This youth has been in close to a dozen different placements in the last 6 years, and it is with great hope that this will be her forever home and family! The family currently faces some financial barriers but has been working tirelessly with Scott County to try and make this placement happen for this youth, and they remain determined to make it happen! The mother, her two children, and her own mother currently live in a 3 bedroom home, and have been searching for a 5-bedroom rental that can meet all of the family's needs. The mother has been sleeping a mattress pulled into the middle of the living room, while her children take the upstairs bedrooms and her mother with various medical needs takes the main floor bedroom. When the foster youth comes to visit for the weekend, the mother will let her have the mattress while she sleeps on either the couch or the floor. This damage deposit will secure a larger rental that allows everyone in the family the space and privacy they need to live comfortably, and also within the foster care guidelines for adequate sleeping space.

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FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN




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