Crib & Mattress Needed
I am working with a family who is in need of 2 beds. A single mom of two kiddos and grandma are living together. Mom sleeps on the floor and the baby is in a bassinet that she is growing out of. She is asking for a crib, a mattress for her baby, and a mattress she can put on the floor for now for herself. Finances are very tight since mom has been out of work since giving birth & grandma is not working. Cribs are expensive- a gently used one would work. She does ask that the crib mattress & her mattress be new due to sanitary and allergy reasons. Amazon has crib mattresses & full-size mattresses anywhere between $50-$100. Anything would help this family. Thank you!$342.95 of $500.00
Submitted by:
Bailey Shanley - Bailey.Shanley@shakopeedakota.org
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