Client has limited resources/income, and needs daycare while exercising.
Update: Two months of fees were donated to this need. Thank you for your generosity! Can anyone donate another month's membership? I am working with a client who would like to exercise to lose weight, and get healthier. She is a single mother of 3, and has applied for a scholarship through the local YMCA. She would have to pay $32/month to join. The YMCA is the only local option that is able to provide the child care she will need while she works out. This would also be a healthy outlet for the kids to engage with others socially. If someone is willing to donate towards the cost of the monthly enrollment that would be helpful. My Client feels she could contribute some, but only gets $437 in cash each month for a family of 4. Our unit will pay the initial $65 which will pay for the membership through Sept 1st. The YMCA will use the county debit card to automatically deduct the $32.50/ongoing. However our unit can't pay ongoing for this need, and will have to cancel the membership if funds aren't found elsewhere. So we need $32.50-$325.00 to continue a year long membership. Thanks for your consideration!$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
Nichole Smith -
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What caused this need?
Client has limited resources/income, and needs daycare while exercising.
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