CHILD FOSTER HOMES ARE NEEDED! Have you ever thought about doing foster care but just haven't made the call yet? Do you have room in your heart and are looking for a way to give back to your community? Children need foster homes to go to when their family is not a safe place for them to stay. Some foster homes take in kids until they are able to be reunified with their family. Other foster homes take kids in for respite on a weekend to give families a break. That break helps parents recharge so they can safely and effectively parent their children in hopes of diverting the need of the children going into an ongoing foster placement. Here is a link to our Foster Care Licensing website that has more detailed information for you and a video about Scott County Foster Care. If you are ready to begin your journey as a foster parent click on the Child Foster Care Application button to get started! Check us out! Give us a call at 952-445-7751 and ask to speak to the Foster Care Licensing Coverage Worker! We would LOVE to hear from you and answer any questions you have about doing foster care! Find out how we can walk alongside you as you journey through helping families by becoming a foster parent! Our Scott County Foster Parents are Making a difference in children's and families lives every day! Be a part of something amazing that will fill your heart and make a difference in the lives of families and your community!

Submitted by:
Julie Malecha -

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Shakopee, MN



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