54 year old client has mental health concerns and a developmental disability. Sh

My client had a couch donated to her (by my brother) however she needs help transporting it from his house in Burnsville to her apartment in Shakopee. Daytime, weekend and early evening hours are available for pick up and delivery.
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Submitted by:
Jeanne Kubes - jeanne@fishpartnernetwork.org

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What caused this need?

54 year old client has mental health concerns and a developmental disability. She is very sweet and has a small beagle companion dog which made it hard for her to find housing. She is so grateful for everything but lacks family and friend support. She currently has one chair in her living room. She is also interested in attending a fun Christian support group or activity group but lacks transportation. Suggestions would be welcome! Thank you!

Who is Fish Partner Network?

FISH Partners are representatives of the faith community, local government and education entities, service organizations and nonprofits, and businesses which serve Scott County residents and agree that by partnering together we can meet human need in our community.

Learn More at our Website: https://www.fishpartnernetwork.org/

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1615 Weston Court
Shakopee, MN




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