Health issues make it very scary for woman to move into affordable housing that
UPDATE: THE AIR CONDITIONING UNIT NEEDED IS QUITE EXPENSIVE AND A LOCAL APPLIANCE DEALER IS WILLING TO DEFRAY PART OF THE COST, BUT $300 IS NEEDED TO COMPLETE THE PURCHASE. Air Conditioner - window or preferably portable, for woman moving into affordable housing. Has health condition where she becomes extremely ill if temp goes below 72 degrees.$0.00 of $0.00
Submitted by:
MaryPat Potts -
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What caused this need?
Health issues make it very scary for woman to move into affordable housing that has accepted her, due to her tendency to become very ill & need hospitalization if she gets over-heated, which she says happens if temp goes below 72 degrees. Would be nice to be able to give her a leg up as she has already secured the housing. It is a real health need, not a luxury. Can either buy the air conditioner & I could arrange to get it to her, or send the money to me & I would get it for her. I've seen them between $260-$500.
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